Stellenticket Leibniz Universität Hannover


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For current selection:
298 offers found
75 x Hannover
72 x Dresden
64 x Berlin
10 x Jena
10 x Weimar
6 x Senftenberg
6 x Müncheberg
6 x Braunschweig
5 x Cottbus
5 x Nordhausen
4 x Brandenburg
4 x Wildau
3 x Frankfurt (Oder)
2 x Einbeck
2 x Potsdam
2 x Leipzig
2 x Traunreut
2 x Görlitz
2 x München
2 x Freiberg
1 x Osnabrück
1 x Regensburg
1 x Paulinenaue
1 x Lüneburg
1 x Bremen
1 x Wietze
1 x Köln
1 x Sachsenhagen
1 x Schleswig
1 x Soltau
1 x Wolfsburg
1 x Düsseldorf
1 x Großbeeren
1 x Hanover
1 x Freising
1 x Pirna
1 x Schermbeck
1 x Bremen, Hannover, Oldenburg
1 x Frankfurt am Main
1 x Wismar
1 x Dortmund
119 x Research assistant
80 x Graduate position
49 x PhD position
30 x Working student
21 x Student assistant
21 x Researcher
19 x Technical staff
16 x Professorship
14 x Thesis
13 x Administrative staff
10 x Internship for students
4 x Trainee
2 x Referendar*in
2 x Academic assistant
2 x Teaching staff for special tasks
2 x Recruiting event
2 x Scholarship programme (for students)
89 x Engineering
84 x Research
73 x Natural Sciences
53 x Computer sciences
43 x Teaching (University)
41 x Office / Administration
39 x Economics and Law
32 x Mechanical Engineering
29 x Education
28 x Physics
24 x Chemistry
21 x Biology
19 x Humanities and Social Sciences
19 x Electrical Engineering
18 x Civil Engineering
18 x Construction and Planning
15 x Business Sciences
14 x Mathematics
13 x Industrial Engineering
12 x Materials Science
12 x Architecture
11 x Medicine and Health
11 x Design / Media / Culture
10 x Social Sciences
10 x Software Development
10 x Geosciences
9 x Environmental Engineering
9 x Support
9 x IT / Telecommunications
8 x Finance
8 x Human Resources
7 x Logistics
7 x Consulting
7 x Agronomy and Forestry
7 x Management
7 x Sales Management
6 x Legal Profession
6 x Controlling / Tax / Accounting
6 x Biotechnology
6 x Production Method / Engineering
5 x Business Informatics
5 x Marketing
5 x Aerospace Engineering
4 x Energy Supply Engineering
4 x Web Design / Multimedia
4 x Waste and Water Management
4 x Politics
4 x Medical Engineering
3 x Urban Planning
3 x Landscape Planning
3 x Food Technology
3 x Psychology
2 x Art
2 x History
2 x Education Science
2 x Vehicle Construction and Technology
2 x Media / Journalism
1 x Statistics
1 x Public Health
1 x Languages
1 x Culture